Mental Wellness Program
What is Mental Wellness?
Mental health means a lot more than the absence of health – it takes in all areas of an individual’s life. Mental health is the presence of factors that promote and maintain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance.
It is being in charge of your choices.
About the Wellness Program:
We provide and deliver programs and services based on the foundations of traditional cultural beliefs. It supports the belief that real change cannot occur without fully understanding the historical influences that has helped shape and create feelings of powerlessness, difficulty with expressing feelings, low self-esteem, poor social skills and the resulting anger that many individual experience.

Mental Wellness Program
It is our objective to improve the quality of life by addressing the many issues faced by Indigenous people guided by the principles of helping people build on their strengths which is fundamental in embarking positive growth.
We offer the following Services:
- Individual and Group Counselling.
- Anger Management Sessions
- Parenting Skills
- Conflict Management
- Grief and Loss
- Unresolved Issues
- Self-Awareness Workshops
- Domestic Violence

Sacred Circle- Holistic Life
Indigenous people believe that wholeness includes the health and wellness of our body, mind, heart and spirit. Building on the inner resources speaks to four powers to see, feel, think and act. These gifts are all given to us by the Creator. It is our family and culture that teaches us how to use them in ways that contribute to personal development and to our community.
- Physical Self – Taking Care of Our Body
- Mental Self – Thinking
- Emotional Self – Awareness of feelings
- Spiritual Self – Our oneness with Creator, relationships and prayer
Multiple facets of life issues
Family violence, drug & alcohol addictions, poverty, inadequate housing, gambling, lateral violence, loss of identity, low self-esteem, suicide ideations, intergenerational impacts, oppression, limited or no support, lack of basic life skills.
Sturgeon Lake Child & Family Services Inc.
803 Admin Road,
Sturgeon Lake, SK
S0J 2E1
Phone: (306) 764-4813
Fax: (306) 764-4817
Toll Free: (306) 1-877-460-7044